Things Are Not What They Seem

Do you look too much on outward appearances? Spurgeon encourages us to remember that our “direst calamity” is our “greatest mercy.” Hear Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s words from 1878. “We ought to learn, again, that there is no...

Looking UP with Lydia: Graduation Day

Dear Lydia, From climbing trees to managing CFA, you ascend; rising up, moving onward, and looking outward and upward. From UP you see and we see. But, often in the Valley, when we are low, then we gaze upward most and see, know, and feel God’s...

Looking UP with Lydia: Graduation Day

Dear Lydia, From climbing trees to managing CFA, you ascend; rising up, moving onward, and looking outward and upward. From UP you see and we see. But, often in the Valley, when we are low, then we gaze upward most and see, know, and feel God’s...

On This Christmas Day

Early mornings offer opportunities that are more elusive later in the day. Our house is quiet and there is a sense of calmness settled in our rooms. No one is calling, the challenges of the day are somewhat hidden, and new opportunities beckon me onward.  Today...

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