Women Pastors, Baptism, and the Southern Baptist Convention
If I found that in Holy Scripture there were doctrines even of less value than the great points of our Christian religion, I should still think it were my duty to bow my judgment, and to turn my intellect to the reception of God’s truth just as God set it...
The Spurgeon 60 Day Reading Plan
Robert Murray M'Cheyne prefaces his excellent Bible reading plan with these words," It has long been in my mind to prepare a scheme of Scripture reading, in which as many as were made willing by God might agree, so that the whole Bible might be read once by you in the...
What Spurgeon Thought About John Bost
This is the third and final installment regarding three men that Spurgeon met with in Mentone in the Winter of 1879, Hudson Taylor, George Müller, and John Bost (below). Mentone is situated where the Maritime Alps kisses the Mediterranean Sea. It was Spurgeon's...
What Spurgeon Thought About George Müller
This is the second in a series of three. Our previous post offered Spurgeon's reflections on Hudson Taylor. Read it here. Today we consider Spurgeon's thoughts on George Müller. Did you know that Charles Spurgeon and George Müller were friends? Spurgeon was in...
What Spurgeon Thought About Hudson Taylor
What did Charles Haddon Spurgeon think of Hudson Taylor, the great missionary to China and founder of the China Inland Mission, and why does it matter? In Spurgeon's magazine The Sword and the Trowel he describes Taylor. "Mr. Taylor is not a man of commanding presence...